Tuesday, December 1, 2020

What does 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mean?

 Let us know what 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G means.  Today, if the world is called the world of Internet, it will be true to a great extent because today everyone uses the Internet and through this, remains connected with the rest of the world.

In this phase of Internet, we have traveled from 1G to 4G and this journey will continue to grow like this and soon the 5G era will also come.  4G greatly accelerated Internet speed, which led to more use of Internet by users.

In this way, in this journey of reaching 1G to 5G, you must have thought at least some time what they mean.  In such a situation, why not talk about it today and first of all know what does G mean?  So let's see this journey of G today.

What does 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mean?

Meaning of G - G means generation.  Whenever new technology comes in a phone, it is called 'next generation smartphone'.  As previously wired phones were used, then cordless phones came and now wireless phones are used.  Similarly, there are constant changes in technology.

First Generation 1G - The first generation to use analog signals was first introduced in the US in 1980.  At that time its speed limit was 2.4 Kbps but the battery life, voice quality and security of these phones were not good.

 2G technology that came in 1991 - This technology using digital signals was based on GSM.  Its speed was 64 kbps.  This technology was first launched in Finland and services such as SMS, camera and mailing were also started through such phones.

3G technology came in 2000 - high speed internet facility started to be available after 3G launch.  Through this, new features like transferring games and large files, video calling and multimedia applications started coming up.  3G phones were called smart phones and only after that new data plans were also launched.

 Found 4G in 2011 - 4G service started from the year 2011 and internet speed started getting much better than 3G.  Its speed is 1 Gbps which is much faster than 3G.

It took time for 4G to arrive in Indian markets, but after the introduction of Jio SIM, 4G started to be used very fast.

 There is no difference between 3G and 4G phones but due to the advance of technology, 4G phones are relatively expensive.

Waiting for 5G - It is believed that 5G will come in the market by 2020 and its connectivity and security will be very good.

 Now you know about the journey from 1G to 5G and you are also waiting for the arrival of 5G.  If you look at it, you will find that the generation of mobile is changing at a gap of about 10 years, in such a situation, keep enjoying these new changes of technology and until 5G arrives, through 4G in this world of internet  stay tune.

Hopefully, what is the meaning of 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G but aware that you will like this information and will also prove beneficial for you.